Archive | Values


A Leader’s Personal Brand


Andrew Mason, the CEO of Groupon recently got fired. Here is a copy of his parting letter to the Groupon employees, courtesy of a posting on February 28, 2013 by John C. Abell, consulting editor at Linked in. People of Groupon, After four and a half intense and wonderful years as CEO of Groupon, I’ve […]

Les Miserables and Personal Brands – going to extremes to achieve a Vision


Les Miserables is, arguably, one of the best musicals of all time. Now it has become one of the finest motion pictures ever made. That achievement goes beyond music, money and talent. The effort and commitment underlying this production speaks volumes about what is possible with a vision, with people who share common values about […]

An Independent Review of Brand Delusions


Kirkus Reviews has just published their independent review of Brand Delusions. For those of you who may not know, Kirkus is a well established, credible, independent book review organization with a solid reputation in the publishing and media worlds. Here it is. TITLE INFORMATION BRAND DELUSIONS Exploding the myths and helping you improve your Brand […]